Welcome to Click Through College!

Your success is

our success

Forbes renowned Bryce and Joy Monkivitch have created Click Through College so that YOU can live your dream lifestyle by working online whenever and from wherever in the world. 

Click Through College is the #1 platform for brand building & mentorship. We will be bringing out ongoing courses that are going to give you the skills and guidance you need to succeed online.

Enrolment Contents:

- Access to exclusive Discord community with our expert teachers and Bryce & Joy Monkivitch

- Micro-Brand Building Course

- Google Advertising

- Find The Best Freelancers & Virtual Assistants

- How To Make Money On Pinterest

- Ad Creatives: Emotional Creativity


...This is just the beginning, you will gain access to all current AND future courses to come!


SHAHAB - Our Very First Student

We had the pleasure of meeting Shahab in person 1 month into his Click Through College journey - At this stage he was already making $34,000 USD after just 1 month!



KATIE HAMILTON - Click Through College Student

Hear what Katie has to say about her experience working with Click Through College and Bryce & Joy over the past 12 months.



HARRY BROWN - Click Through College Student

Hear what Harry (@harrybbrown) says about some of his biggest college wins and see how we can support and grow your online brand!


CALEB JOHNSTON - Student from the Micro-Brand Building Course 

Hear what Caleb (@calebbjohnston) has to say about his experience working with Click Through College during the creation of the Micro-Brand Building Course.



JIAN TAM - Click Through College Student

Hear what Jian (@jiantam) has to say about his experience working with Click Through College and his mentors Bryce & Joy Monkivitch.


Enrolment Contents:

- Access to exclusive Discord community with our expert teachers and Bryce & Joy Monkivitch

- Micro-Brand Building Course

- Google Advertising

- Find The Best Freelancers & Virtual Assistants

- How To Make Money On Pinterest

- Ad Creatives: Emotional Creativity


...This is just the beginning, you will gain access to all current AND future courses to come!

Would you like to learn more?

Get in touch with one of our friendly Click Through College representatives today on IG @clickthroughcollege