Welcome To Click Through College!

We have brought on some of the biggest mentors in the world for their niches to teach you exactly how they are making money online. Along with this, you will have access to these mentors and our team of 6+ years to ensure you succeed!

At Click Through College, we believe in empowering you to build a successful online business while deepening your relationship with God. Created by Forbes-renowned Bryce and Joy Monkivitch, our family-owned platform is passionate about helping others, sharing God’s word, and guiding you toward living your dream lifestyle—working from anywhere in the world.


As the #1 platform for brand building and mentorship, Click Through College offers free applications and ongoing courses that provide the skills and support you need to succeed online, all while staying true to your faith and values.

  • Headmaster: Bryce Monkivitch (@sir.bryce)

    An Australian internet entrepreneur, marketing genius and world traveller. He is known for his business success and acknowledgement of having one of the top 100 fastest-growing companies in Australia.

  • Headmistress: Joy Monkivitch (@missmonkivitch)

    Australian Occupational Therapist, now e-ccomerce boss, an expert in online team management, brand building and logistics. Partner of Sincere Sally, one of the top 100 fastest-growing companies in Australia.

The Click Through College Community will give you direct access to these mentors along with Joy and Bryce to guarantee your e-commerce success and ensure you build the lifestyle you have dreamed of AND deserve. Being a part of Click Through College is not just about studying, it's a lifestyle.

Your success is our success!

Meet Shahab - Our Very First Student